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I'll be glad to talk about ranching, but I haven't seen the movie. I've heard about it. I hope you go -- you know -- I hope you go back to the ranch and the farm is what I'm about to say.

After being asked whether he's seen Brokeback Mountain.

So please give cash money to organizations that are directly involved in helping save lives -- save the life who had been affected by Hurricane Katrina.

My thoughts are, we're going to get somebody who knows what they're talking about when it comes to rebuilding cities.


And the second way to defeat the terrorists is to spread freedom. You see, the best way to defeat a society that is -- doesn't have hope, a society where people become so angry they're willing to become suiciders, is to spread freedom, is to spread democracy.



I think younger workers -- first of all, younger workers have been promised benefits the government -- promises that have been promised, benefits that we can't keep. That's just the way it is.


He understands the need for a timely write of the constitution.


I appreciate my love for Laura.


 We look forward to analyzing and working with legislation that will make -- it would hope -- put a free press's mind at ease that you're not being denied information you shouldn't see.


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