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Punk rock is dead...and I f**king killed it.


Punk is not just the sound, the music. Punk is a life-style. There are a lot of bands around who claim to be punk and they only play the music, they have no clue what it's all about. It's a life-style I chose for myself


Some times I need to apologize, sometimes I need to admit that I ain't right, sometimes I should just keep my mouth shut, or only say hello, sometimes I still feel I'm walking alone.


I'm a crazy son of a b***h. Do you think I have time to care about what all the other ass holes care? If they don't like us fine. We don't play for the people, we play because we have fun doing it



School is practice for future life, practice makes perfect and nobody’s perfect, so why practice?


I'm an idiot anyway, but sometimes you feel like an idiot times ten when you're stoned


It's the new 'Thriller,' ... 'Jesus of Suburbia' is really a long song, so already it's quite a task. You can't think of it as making a video, but a short film, and that's what Sam did. There's dialogue. It follows the story of the song more so than the other videos from American Idiot.


Yeah, f**k me, I wish all of you could f**k me!


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