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 presented by author / motivational speaker Nancy McFadden M.A.

Reflections on Death and Dying   --page 4--

Having an active role in where, when and with whom, presents opportunity for essential decisions that you may, or may not be consciously able to decide at the end of your life. As well, should you be stricken, those around you may be involved in their own process and not be able to 'hear' your wishes.
Coming to terms with death creates many, and diverse benefits. It benefits those who love you, those who will be responsible for your care and those who may have to make critical decisions for you. As well, it is a tremendous benefit to you.
Do a reality check, both for you and for those close to you. Ask them their preferences and discuss yours. They may be reluctant. However, it is in your, and their, best interest to attempt to work out incidental strategies when everyone is calm and best able to cooperate. Remember, strokes, aneurisms, accidents, do not afford opportunity for discussion and choice at that time. Why not do it now?
Ask yourself, "How much do others know about my personal desires, expectations and what I definitely want to avoid? Furthermore, how much more enlightened am I, about them"? Discussion appears reasonable. It matters.
To decide to confront the reality of death is, without doubt, an enlightening and powerful experience. It allows for insight, and an opportunity to make beneficial choices for self and others. As well, it promises a modicum of control over a seriously important experience that is generally associated with helplessness and the fear and frustration which accompanies it.
To create a plan surrounding one's death is as vital as becoming more conscious of one's life. It can be educational, inspirational and a catalyst for achieving peace and success without sacrificing happiness. It is the seed of a new prosperity (spiritual, financial and emotional) as well as a new vision.
Death is a real trip folks, plan for it.


Death --page 1 2 3 4

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