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 presented by author / motivational speaker Nancy McFadden M.A.

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Always consciously commit to saying encouraging and reinforcing types of statements that you would use with a friend that is trying to create new and good things for themselves. Tell yourself what you wish others would say to you. Remind yourself that if you can conceive it in your mind you can make it happen – one step at a time and with consistency. Refuse to trivialize your goals or your efforts. Someone else’s opinion is never the determinant of your ability. Remember that.
Get committed! Make change a must. Here are a few prompts to keep you on line with your goals:
Refuse to consider any seduction to quit – keep using those “I can, I will” messages.
Look carefully at what frightens you or what may be holding you back in any way.
Deliberately commit to finding a new behavior that will get you beyond the place where you are stuck.
Do more research to enable you to get clear about what you need to do in order to achieve.
Solicit help from others- Choose friends, acquaintances or professionals.
Join a like-minded group and decide to ask questions of them and be willing to answer their questions – they may help you identify where you are going wrong or are just missing a step.
*Should someone give you a far-out answer or something that appears to be out of sinc with your thinking, decide to play over their opinion in your mind, regardless. Obviously, the right answer is not the one in your head and by considering a new message, although it may not be the ideal answer, can set you up for finding a solution that better suits your needs. Remember that it is new thinking that creates a new life.
Replace a limiting or destructive habit with a least one new behavior. Again, you cannot create change if you keep on doing things the way you have always been doing things. New thinking is the path toward creating new behavior. That is why the “I can, I will” messages, delivered consciously will affect your life. Your old messages and behaviors have been what has held you back. Therefore, you will want to say the new ones until you grow comfortable with hearing them and experiencing the feeling the new belief bring to you.
Repeat your new behaviors unit they become your new habit.
Refuse to allow the opinions of others to determine your commitment, direction or steady progression.
Keep going until you achieve what you desire. There are no other options. It is your life. Decide consciously and deliberately to make it happen.


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