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 presented by author / motivational speaker Nancy McFadden M.A.

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Having failed in the past does not determine the way your future endeavors will turn out. Always look for a gentle approach to resolving any holdups in your goals. Sometimes, the habit of ‘toughing it out’ or doing things the hard way make us believe that anything of value to be achieved must be hard won. Not so.
You can decide to forge a new life for yourself and include gentleness and prosperity. It does not matter whatever your history. Your parent’s history does not matter. It is entirely up to you to decide what you want. Just so, is your ability to make it happen. If you change your mind about what can happen for you – you can make it happen to you.
If you find your thinking about quitting, imagine how you life will turn out if you give up on yourself. It will help you keep your resolution to ‘refuse to stop’. Shake off any notions you have of failing. There is no such thing as failure. Every situation allows opportunity for education, inspiration and new insight. Keep an eye on what you are learning and where you are going. Determine and recommit daily to getting there.
BE HONEST. If you are putting out your best effort and find your self-talk consists of negative messages of defeat or failure, STOP! Take an inventory of what you are thinking. Change your mind AT ONCE. Create a list of positive, creative messages that inspire you. Keep it handy and refer to it as soon as you notice you are entertaining the old negative self-defeating messages. Remind yourself that these negative messages are merely bad habits – not truths. Stay in touch with the truth of whose life this is, and who is responsible for making it happen. You need this constant reminder to keep you on track.. This speech is not about motivation, although it may appear so.
What is being offered here is the necessary steps one can take in order to change one’s life. Generally speaking, most people wish for a good life and spend their time hoping that circumstances will change to allow prosperity, good times, joy, love or whatever they desire. That just is not the way of the universe. Each person’s willingness to attempt new behaviors and thinking in order to create a better life is predicated on one’s willingness to assume responsibility for making a good life happen. Although there is much over which we have no control, there is also much that each person can do to exercise change in their life. It is not always easy, although it is simple.
In most instances, it can appear impossible, or at least extremely difficult, because of the lack of Self-confidence and not because the situation is beyond one’s ability. The difficulty lies in believing it is beyond their ability.
Certainly, it can be fearful to experience new things without a notion of the outcome. However, looking beyond the fear and stepping out in an effort to create a better outcome is the only way a better life has a chance of developing.


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