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Nancy McFadden M.A. author of the "Lifeskills Series" Presents this free weekly inspirational video. Check it out now!

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 presented by author / motivational speaker Nancy McFadden M.A.

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The great composer does not set to work because s/he is inspired, but becomes inspired because s/he is working. Beethoven, Wagner, Bach and Mozart settled down day after day to the job at hand with as much regularity as an accountant settles down each day to his figures. They did not waste time waiting for inspiration.
ERICA JONG: “Take your life into your own hands, and what happens? – a terrible thing: no one is to blame”.

Move ahead with your 5 year plan

Consider sharing your five-year plan with a friend or family member, if you believe that to do so will encourage your best efforts. Oftentimes, once we say things aloud we commit more seriously to making it happen. Saying something aloud allows you to hear the sense of what you are thinking and it also allows you to release from the confines of your mind, your self-promise. Your dream/vision becomes more real. It is a primary step in going from a dream state into a realistic acceptance of a plan – however, incomplete.
If the people who are currently in your life are not apt to value your thinking or goals, then refuse to set yourself up. Decide instead to speak your goals aloud to your Self. I recommend you record them. Use a simple cassette recorder and keep the tape as a reference as the months go on. Listen to your initial goal and you will be better able to measure your progress. Irrespective of how you decide to release your plan/goal/vision into the universe, listen to your own words and pay attention to the emotional response it generates within you. State your five-year plan in terms of your desire or vision for where you expect to be and who you believe you will be when you arrive.
That is: where do you expect to be financially = amount of money you anticipate; acquisitions you have in mind for your Self, what projects you expect to have in progress, etc.


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