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 presented by author / motivational speaker Nancy McFadden M.A.

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Take a hobby and develop sales or instruction from it that will offer the potential to at least double your current income.
Get creative. Brainstorm three or four different avenues you could follow. Make your overall financial goal at least five x’s your current income. List those ways you envision hiring someone or using doubling methods (i.e. the multifamily or income home), to help you create an income you would not likely earn on your own. (I say 5 times in this circumstance considering that after expenses you should clear an income increase of about 300% over your current income.
Further to that, zero in on what potential good works you can imagine developing or becoming involved with over the next five years. How do you anticipate being a contributing human being? Write out two or three possibilities you could research and gently move into within a fair time-frame.
Upon completing this assignment, imagine me reading and appraising your answers.
Are you confident that your plans include the expanded thinking that will launch you into a whole new dimension of life?
Are you confident you have concrete steps in place to get started responsibly?
Are you sincerely committed to making your vision the ‘least’ of your life? If not, investigate why not, irrespective of your intent.
Do you evaluate your plan, as passing the scrutiny of someone whom would be truly interested in you and your goals? What questions do you imagine they would ask? What comments would you anticipate?
What would you ask or suggest if someone were handing you this assignment to read and evaluate for them? Look with an honest interest in appraising your chances for success with what you have done thus far. There is no one to criticize or stop your efforts. Make certain you do not set yourself up to be the one to sabotage your own life purpose. You will sorely regret any lack of honesty or effort on your part. Check out your kindness as well as determined responsibility to engineer your own happiness and to find a wholesome loving life. In the doing you will have plenty of opportunity to expand your thinking beyond the average. Remember; you are no longer ordinary but instead are on an extraordinary venture with a view to living an extraordinary life. Keep looking for the extraordinary in your expectations and plans. Move at your own pace and still continue to keep a reasonable pace, as you see it.


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